by stuartferster | Jul 21, 2021 | Blog, Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Small Business
The word entrepreneur as we use it today can be traced to the 13th Century from the French verb entreprendre. That means “to do something” or “to undertake.” It was a term that didn’t necessarily have anything to do with business back...
by stuartferster | May 19, 2021 | Blog, Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Stuart Ferster
The life of an entrepreneur is characterized by juggling multiple things at the same time. Whether it is accounting, fundraising, operations, or procurement, the entrepreneur’s mind is hardly ever at ease. Unfortunately, of all business functions,...
by stuartferster | Apr 8, 2021 | Blog, Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Stuart Ferster, Trends
Podcasts have become one of the most ubiquitous forms of entertainment today. They make it possible for listeners to find the topics they’re interested in and hear them when it’s convenient. They’re also very informative. Podcasts centered on...
by stuartferster | Feb 25, 2021 | Blog, Business Resources, Customer Service, Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Stuart Ferster
Successful, veteran entrepreneurs understand that the key to establishing brand credibility and eventually building long-term customer relationships is understanding the customers’ pain points and providing them effective solutions affordably. In a 2018 study...
by stuartferster | Jan 28, 2021 | Blog, Business Resources, Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Stuart Ferster, Tools and Apps
Project management juggles between three surrogates; time, cost, and quality. Thanks to technology, task management tools are the fad in the silent majority of businesses. Task management, or project management tool, aids in the administration, planning, and...
by stuartferster | Dec 21, 2020 | Blog, Customer Service, Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Stuart Ferster
Customer churn is a problem for most small businesses because it can affect the company’s overall growth. Even if you’re consistently attracting new consumers to your brand or products, your loss of past customers may counteract that progress. This is why...