The success of a company depends on its team collaboration. More collaborative workplaces are more trustworthy, have better performance, and have more engaged workers.


According to a study, teams that work together are five times more successful than those that don’t. They feel motivated to reach a common goal.


Despite the benefits of teamwork, it’s not always prioritized by managers. According to a study by Salesforce, over 80% of executives, educators, and employees cited a lack of collaboration as contributing to workplace failures.


Getting the most out of your team collaboration is a process that requires a lot of effort and commitment from both the managers and the workers. In this talk, we’ll discuss some of the critical factors you should consider when creating a thriving team environment.


Emphasize Company Mission

Every employee needs a reason to show up every day. They must be part of the company’s mission and strive to reach a specific goal.


The first step in establishing a company’s mission is to define its goals. This will help everyone work together to reach them.


Your company’s mission should be simple and meaningful. It should also be compelling enough to inspire the workers.


You must give your employees a reason beyond their paycheck to motivate them. They’ll be more likely to work with their colleagues to achieve the company’s goals if they’re passionate about their work. Make sure everyone is on board with the mission by regularly bringing it up. This will allow them to focus on the task and avoid getting distracted.


Communicate Effectively

If your team members don’t know that they’re expected to work together, they won’t be able to do so.


Before you start implementing team collaboration, ensure you have a clear expectation of how it should be done. This should be included in the onboarding process for new employees.


Your job descriptions should also include details about the various responsibilities that your employees are expected to perform. This will help set clear boundaries between their personal and team responsibilities.


Recognize Employee Strengths

According to a study conducted by OfficeTeam, over 60% of employees would leave their job if they felt that they were being undervalued. The number of workers going elsewhere rises to 76% among millennials.


A successful team is built on its members’ skills, not on one individual’s abilities. Having each member bring unique skills is crucial for a successful team.


During the recruitment process, you should have already identified your employees’ various skills and strengths. Building on these skills and emphasizing them in collaboration will help make your team more successful.


Create the Right Environment

A strong sense of community is also crucial for a thriving working environment. According to a survey, over 50% of employees said that a strong sense of belonging to a community led them to stay with their current company longer.


People tend to apply themselves more if they feel that their opinions matter. Conversely, if they think that their opinions don’t matter, they’re less likely to collaborate and team up.


Getting the conditions right for team collaboration can be a bit challenging. You don’t want to schedule meetings and insist on working together for the sake of cooperation.


A daily morning huddle is one of the most important factors you should consider when it comes to team collaboration. This will allow you to set goals and discuss the various tasks you’ll be working on throughout the day.